What is Latisse® and How Does it Work?
Latisse is a specially formulated topical solution that is only available through a prescription from a licensed medical doctor. Developed by Allergen, Latisse is used to grow eyelashes for people with inadequate or not enough lashes. The active ingredient in Latisse is Bimatropost, which has been found to add volume and length to hair follicles in eyelashes.
What to Expect When Using Latisse?
Great eyelashes don't just happen overnight. That's why it's important to note that Latisse solution works gradually and remarkably — with full results at week 16. Once you begin, you must continue applying the topical solution each night and follow the directions for best results. If you stop using Latisse at any time, your eyelashes will return to their previous appearance over several weeks to months.
Set Your Sights on Growth
As the treatment progresses, you'll first begin to see changes in length. Then, gradually, you'll notice more thickness and darkness in your lashes. If you're satisfied with your results by week 8, don't stop there. Stick with the treatment. After week 16, you'll see the full effect of Latisse solution — and so will others. After that, you can switch to maintenance mode and apply once or twice a week.
Use Latisse once a day before you go to bed. Remove contact lenses (if any) and cleanse the eye first. Topically apply to the base of the upper eyelashes only, using the applicators included. Remove excess solution by gently blotting with tissue, as hair growth can result in areas that are consistently exposed to the solution. Follow instructions closely to minimize the incidence of side effects. After the solution has been absorbed and the skin is dry, contact lenses may be reinserted. For more information please refer to the guide below.
Latisse Application Guide
$150 for 3ML and $200 for 5ML
The most common side effects after using Latisse are an itching sensation in the eyes and/or eye redness, which were reported in approximately 4% of clinical trial patients. Latisse solution may cause other less common side effects which typically occur close to where Latisse is applied. These include skin darkening, eye irritation, dryness of the eyes and redness of the eyelids.
If you develop a new ocular condition (e.g., trauma or infection), experience a sudden decrease in visual acuity, have ocular surgery, or develop any ocular reactions, particularly conjunctivitis and eyelid reactions, you should immediately seek your physician’s advice concerning the continued use of Latisse solution.
Latisse solution is intended for use on the skin of the upper eyelid margins at the base of the eyelashes. DO NOT APPLY to the lower lid. If you are using LUMIGAN® ophthalmic solution or other products for elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), or if you have a history of abnormal IOP, you should only use Latisse under the close supervision of your physician.
Latisse solution use may cause darkening of the eyelid skin which may be reversible.
Latisse use may cause increased brown iris pigmentation of the coloured part of the eye which is likely to be permanent. While very infrequent, increased iris pigmentation has occurred when Latisse was administered.
It is possible for hair growth to occur in other areas of your skin that Latisse frequently touches. Any excess solution outside the upper eyelid margin should be blotted with a tissue or other absorbent material to reduce the chance of this happening. It is possible for a difference in eyelash length, thickness, fullness, pigmentation (darkness), number of eyelash hairs and/or direction of eyelash growth to occur between eyes (e.g., results may vary for each eye). These differences, should they occur, will usually go away if you stop using Latisse.